About Us

Our story begins all the way in Afghanistan, where our founder and CEO Sayed Husseini was born. He spent all of his life, up to his adolescence in Afghanistan and he never planned to leave. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan led to lots of instability and caused him to leave everything behind and find somewhere new to live. He always heard the saying "America is where you go if you don't have a country." Mr. Husseini moved to Atlanta in 1982, where he began working for a rug dealer in the Atlanta area. He worked here for quite some time, learning new information and skills regarding the rug industry. He spent days and nights working hard and mastering the craft. Five years later, he would eventually establish his very own rug store, right across the street from Piedmont Hospital. He would continue to grow his business and make his move to Miami Circle in 2001. Not only would he establish the business in Atlanta, but all over America at different furniture and antique shows. Him and his family still serve the Atlanta community on a daily basis.